About Our Show


American Western Arts Showcase – JULY 28 & 29 – Darke County Fairground, Greenville, Ohio!


The American Western Arts Showcase (Formerly known as the Annie Oakley Western Arts Showcase) started in 2002 with a whip-handling workshop and exhibition presentations. In 2003, the event moved to the Annie Oakley Festival in Greenville, Ohio, and became the Ohio Regional Convention of the, now defunct, Wild West Arts Club.

As a convention at its peak, the showcase included contests in whip handling, knife throwing, gun spinning, and trick roping as well as feature performances and workshops. Wild West arts practitioners from all over the US, Canada, and Mexico came to test their skills, learn new things and enjoy the company of fellow performers and artists.

After the recession diminished turnout at these events, in 2009, the event changed from a convention to a “show only” event, retaining the fellowship and educational aspects of its previous incarnation. At this point, the event was free for all to attend, and contests were reduced to an exhibition-only format, with no prizes awarded, just bragging rights. Still, they came. It flourished.

Our featured performers are professionals and some of the most skilled and talented in the industry. These include Kirk Bass, certified thrown weapons expert, Gery Deer, champion whip artistry performer and world-class instructor, and more. We are always looking to add another talented feature act to our show.

Today, the show is still a featured part of the Annie Oakley Festival, at  Darke County Fairground, Greenville, Ohio, but also travels in various versions. Every performance features exhibition contests, incredible entertainment, and much more.  Check out this year’s event schedule


The American Western Arts Association is sponsored by The Whip Artistry Studio (thewhipstudio.com) and GLD Enterprises Communications, Ltd.

Gery Deer with Bonnie Hunt in 2008 … Culver City, California.

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